Our upcoming
Page Street is committed to showcasing the work of our writers, as well as doing our part to contribute to the Bay Area's vibrant literary scene.
We go out of our way to partner with other local literary organizations to bring the best authors, and the best programming, to both our locations.

write together
Saturday, September 7
(In conjunction with Nanowrimo)
On the first Saturday of every month, we open our doors for a free, public Write Together session.
We gather at 10:30 am to sent intentions, write together in silence for 90 minutes, then check back in with each other to see how we did.
While these events are free, space is limited, so you do need to register.
Saturday, September 7, 10:30 am to 12:30 pm
Page Street Berkeley, 2508 San Pablo Ave.
How to write & publish short stories
Join our 4 authors, Elizabeth Stix, Katie Flynn, Laurie Ann Doyle, and Nina Schuyler as they share the secrets of how to write short stories that get published.
Sunday, September 8,
3 pm to 5 pm
Page Street SF, 297 Page at Laguna
next LitNIghts
Revenge and/or regret
September 20
Join us for a fun, fast-paced evening as 15 talented writers (many of them from Page Street) read no-more-than-3-minute-pieces on our theme...Revenge and/or regret.
And, because it's Friday night, we'll also be pouring Prosecco, wine, and fancy nonalcoholic drinks.
Friday, May 10
Doors open at 6:30 pm, event begins at 7 pm
Page Street SF, 297 Page Street at Laguna in SF
No need to preregister

ZenLit presents:
an intimate conversation with Peter coyote
(in conjunction with SF Zen Center)
This is a rare opportunity to listen to actor, author, and Zen priest, Peter Coyote on writing at the intersection of Buddhism and literature.
Moderating will be LitCamp/Page Street founder, Janis Cooke Newman.
Tea & cookies will be served.
Space is limited to 45 attendees
Sunday, September 29
3 pm - 5 pm
Page Street SF, 297 Page Street (at Laguna)
Tickets $45 general admission, $40 Page Street members
All proceeds go toward supporting SFZC and LitCamp programs.